Cis103 exercise on tables.
This is a HTM presentation. The ability to delve into tables is curtailed as opposed to the use of MS Word. Therefore, the ending view indicated below of the table you are creating is not complete.
Let’s play with a table. Create a 3 by 4 table. This is 3 columns and 4 rows.
Go into the last cell of this table and hit the tab key. What happens? What’s the dimensions now of this table
Now, enter every cell going left to right and enter a succeeding letter. Look at the example below. Use alternately the tab key and the right directional arrow. Do not use the enter key. Moral: Each cell can act like a mini document. The only thing you really don’t have s use of the directional keys or the tab key.
Notice as you enter any cell of the table, 2 ribbons become available. You can use these ribbons or your mouse to do the following:
- Set the cell with A. Set to italics. Notice none of the other cells are affected.
- Drag you mouse to select A and B. Set to bold. Notice bold is added to both
- Drag you mouse across the entire row starting with A. Underline. Every cell in row 1 is underlined.
- Drag you mouse across A to C and down through the second row that includes D. Change the font to Algerian. Notice only these 2 rows are affected.
- Move your cursor over the cell designated as A. A downward arrow should appear and click. Notice all of column A is selected. Set to bullets.
- Move your cursor over the cell containing B. Select by clicking and keeping the button pushed, drag your mouse to the left. Notice 2 columns are selected. Click numbers. Notice that for the first row, both columns and numbers appear.
- Select the row that you created previously. That should contain an 11 and 12 if we did this right. Go up to layout and select delete and then row. This row should disappear. Similarly, if we wanted to, we could delete and row, set of rows, any column or set of columns. In fact, one of the options is to delete the entire table.
- Go to cell G. Ask for split table. A blank line should be added so that you have two table. You only want one table. Delete that line and the tables automatically become one.
- As we deleted rows and columns, you can add rows and columns also. You’ve already seen an add – the tab in the last row. But you can also add rows and columns (even cells) before or after a selected row or column.
- Your instructor will show you merging fields. It’s tough to describe in writing but you instructor may just have enough expertise to give you an example on the screen.
Cells, by the way, are nothing more than organized text boxes. In any text box you can change the direction of the type and a cell is no exception. Further, because it is a table, you have the ability to sort. Select the first column and reverse the sort. Try to set it back. You now know the problem all computer professionals have with blanks versus text.
For this version of Word, Microsoft has added a considerable amount of table styles. The user has to decide whether the first row of the table is a header, whether the last row is a set of math (sums), whether the first column is a row header and whether the last column is a calculation field. With that info, one can set a considerable number of styles.
Finally, you can invoke borders similar to what we saw in a paragraph.
Looking above at the table above, you can see the result of this exercise up to the creation of bullets.